All about the MMOHorses' items, things like its creation and configuration.
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All about the MMOHorses' items, things like its creation and configuration.
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The system has been changed, and now items are more customizable than before. But being customizable doesn't mean that it's easy to understand. If you have problems with that, lets make an introduction of this system so you can understand.
Now every item on the plugin can be called item.
Before this update, items were splitted on different kind of items depending on its functionality, like upgrades, armors or functional items. To prevent that and create a better standard so every item can be considered similar as the other ones, now the plugin saves the same kind of data for every item but with just one functional difference: the item type. This items allows you to give also functionalities to vanilla items. The result of this items will be used to compare the one that a player is using. An item must contain the same metadata as a MMOHorses' item. This means that you can set custom metadata on an item to prevent it from being the same as a vanilla item, and it will become diferent and will be the only one with functionalities.
The item type defines the functionality of this item. Is not the same a speed upgrade than a saddle, then you must specify what you really want to be used this item for. For this, you can use Q key to open the settings editor to edit the item type, its value and the minimum level. To edit all this information, you'll have to add this items and edit their information on /Horse Recipes.
To create a new item, you just have to put this item in your main hand (Not the off hand, the slot added on 1.9). After that, just execute /Horse AddItem [Name] to add this item to the plugin. The name shouldn't have spaces, it's just the name that will be used to be identified on Custom.yml or on next features. /Horse AddItem will take all the data stored on the item, display name, lore, armor, all the NBT data, to allow all the possible customization. Remember that, any item being used, have to be added and must be exactly as the result item to be detected as an MMOHorses.
Each item type uses the value on another way depending on its purpose. This purpose is explained on the lore of the value item, but you'll have here a more extensive explanation:
Speed upgrades: This upgrades are used to add additional speed to your horses. The value field means the percent applied as extra speed to the horses, meaning that 100 is add an additional 100% of its speed, so, if you have 8 of speed, then it'll have 16.
Jump upgrades: This upgrades are used to add additional jump to a horse. This feature only works on horses that have the jump attribute. The value works on the same way as the speed upgades.
Health upgrades: This upgrades add additional hearts to a horse. The value field means the amount of half hearts that are added (decimal values on MineCraft works on the same way, meaning that 1 is a half of a heart).
Chest upgrades: This upgrades add additional slot lines to a horse. The value field means the amount of lines you'll add to a horse (Previously, the virtual chest was giving an extra line without having upgrades. Now the upgrades are the amount of lines you can have. If people request it, I'll add an option to add default free lines). On future versions, you'll be able to have more than the max 4 lines.
Saddles: This items are used to allow players to ride the horse. Not tested using other items than saddles, so I don't know if this give errors, so I suggest you to, at the moment, use saddles and armors for this kind of upgrades. The value doesn't have any functionality in this kind of items. This item is required to ride the horse, even if you have a cosmetical saddle. In case cosmetics aren't configured to be functional, this will not grant any riding functionality, setting the speed of the horse to 0.
Armors: This items are used to provide armor points to horses. The value field means the amount of armor points that this item gives to a horse, working as the health upgrade, where every 1 armor point represents a half of the shown armor bar.
Hairbrushes: This items are used to brush the hair of your horses. Right-clicking with them throws some particles and, if the value is not 0, this item regenerates your horse health. The value means the health that this item gives on every right click.
Customs: This items doesn't have a functional purpose. This item type was made to allow owners to create their own custom items with custom upgrades without the usage of more third-party plugins. Plugin blocks lots of its interactions so, if you have an idea to use this item type and the plugin is blocking it, tell me and I'll fix that.
Cosmetics: This item type is made to specify which items are cosmetics, then, players can only use this items as cosmetics for their horses instead of any vanilla item. To force players to use only this items, you have to enable the Only-registered-cosmetics
setting. Remember to use the Make-cosmetics-functional
setting in case you want to make cosmetics functional instead of using upgrades. Making them functional will grant the same functionalities as upgrades like saddles and armors.
Food: This items are used to feed your horse. Feeding it will depend on its health and value. The value means the amount of health that gives to a horse. If this number is positive, in case the horse has full health, it'll make angry sounds cause it's full. If this is not the case, then you'll feed the horse until your horse has its full health. In case the number is negative, it'll act like an instant damage potion. Giving this item will result on the same as punching him, until you kill him. Kill him with a negative-valued food will have the same result as a normal death. This negative functionality is not yet implemented on the hairbrush.
Breeding items: This items are used to breed horses. They can be used on any kind of horse-like entity, meanwhile it's not already on love mode. This allows you to use other items for breeding instead of the usual items like golden apples.
Level boosters: This items are used to level up horses. They are used like the breeding items, just right-clicking on the horses. The value means the amount of levels it'll give to a horse, removing the decimals.
Recipes are now easy to create. Before this new update, you had to follow some patterns for items cause MMOHorses was the one in charge of the item creation when someone upgraded one or to fit with the values specified on the Config.yml file. Now, you don't have to worry about this. Now, any kind of item can be created with any kind of item, also if it doesn't follow a pattern.
Just you have to left-click the item you want to edit, to edit its recipe. After you made all the changes, click the confirm button and it'll save the new recipe.
The best part of the item recipe system is that you can use customized metadata for this items to make sure everyitem is made with a special blaze powder instead of the vanilla one. This is useful to create items that requires from another item to be created, creating upgrades that are upgradeable as example.