
All about the Config.yml file

On every field able to edit, you'll have a little explanation about what this field does:

#                                                                          #
#          _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____           #
#         |     |     |     |  |  |     | __  |   __|   __|   __|          #
#         | | | | | | |  |  |     |  |  |    -|__   |   __|__   |          #
#         |_|_|_|_|_|_|_____|__|__|_____|__|__|_____|_____|_____|          #
#                                                                          #
#  _                  _                                     _     ___ ___  #
# | |_ _ _    ___ ___| |___ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  |_|___| . |_  | #
# | . | | |  |  _| -_| | .'|     | . | .'| . | . |  _| . | | | . |_  |_  | #
# |___|_  |  |_| |___|_|__,|_|_|_|  _|__,|_  |___|_| |___|_| |___|___|___| #
#     |___|                      |_|     |___|           |___|             #
#                                                                          #

# Use this section to connect MMOHorses to your MySQL database. In case it's
# disabled, MMOHorses will use SQLite instead. Use another table prefix in
# case you're gonna use a database shared with other plugins.

  Enable: false
  Hostname: localhost
  Database: server
  Username: admin
  Password: admin
  Port: 3306
  Table_prefix: ''

#---{General Settings}
# Change some general settings on the plugin. Debug shows some extra messages
# in case of errors. Disabling the speed bar will only disable it on the
# internal speed bar used while riding, but lets you use placeholders
# to show this same information on other ways. Genders can be functionaly
# disabled, but all horses will keep getting a random gender in case
# you want to activate it again. Disabling MMO menus will disable the entire
# claimed horse menu.

  Debug: false
  Speed-ActionBar: true
  Enable-genders: true
  MMO-Menus: true

# By disabling hooks, you disable the link that MMOHorses generates with this
# plugins, but also removes their features. You can't use /h reload to
# hook them, you'll have to do an entire restart instead.

  Vault-Integrity: true
  WorldGuard-Integrity: true
  Lands-Integrity: true
  Citizens-Integrity: true
  PlaceholderAPI-Integrity: true
  LibsDisguises-Integrity: true

# Here you can disable some of the options that are shown on the MMO menus.
# Enabling Open-on-mount opens the inventory everytime a player rides
# a horse.

  Enable-upgrades: true
  Enable-virtual-chest: true
  Enable-settings: false
  Enable-trusting: true
  Enable-crates: false
  Enable-change-name: true
  Open-on-mount: false
  Enable-wardrobe: true

# Here you can configure how cosmetics will work. Disabling cosmetics will
# remove the option on the inventories, and also previously set cosmetics
# will not show over the upgrades. Making them publics allows other players
# to open the horse inventory and go to the wardrobe to check which cosmetics
# a horse contains. Making them functional allows you to use cosmetics to
# ride or give armor points as the usual vanilla items. Using only registered
# cosmetics allows you to add cosmetics with /h additem and configure them
# with /h recipes to only allow this items on the wardrobe.

  Make-cosmetics-public: true
  Make-cosmetics-functional: true
  Only-registered-cosmetics: false

#---{Horse Settings}
# Here you can configure how horses will work on your server.

  # Links allows you to create a link between the horse and the server. This
  # links allows the plugin to diff the entities that have to stay on the
  # server than the ones that not. This can be used depending on the server.
  # You can allow a cross-server system to allow users use horses from a server
  # on another server, or link them forcibly to now allow it.
  List-unlinked: true
  Allow-link: true
  Allow-unlink: true
  Link-on-claim: true
  Link-on-spawn: true
  #---{Vanilla inventories}
  # By default MMOHorses blocks the usage of the vanilla inventory, as this
  # plugin creates a new inventory system used when they are claimed. Anyway,
  # you can configure it to allow users open the vanilla inventory when they
  # aren't claimed yet.
  Disable-vanilla-inventory: true
  #---{Default settings}
  # Once they are claimed, they get some default settings. This default settings
  # can be defined here. With this, you can already set horses to follow owners
  # or to show their health when they are claimed.
  Show-name-tag-by-default: true
  Show-health-tag-by-default: true
  Block-unmounted-speed-by-default: true
  Follow-owner-by-default: false
  #---{Block damage}
  # Block damage dealt to horses depending on if they are vanilla or claimed horses.
  Block-unclaimed-horse-damage: false
  Block-claimed-horse-damage: true
  #---{Vanilla drops}
  # If you don't like people killing horses to get drops, you should disable it. Also,
  # you can disable them from non-claimed horses (Vanilla drops from horses are the
  # same items that are set on the wardrobe. This items are modified depending on your
  # configuration. Allowing some options here and other ones on the death section can
  # generate dups).
  Disable-horse-vanilla-drops: true
  Disable-non-registered-horse-vanilla-drops: true
  #---{General horse settings}
  # You can block horses from switching to another world, also by using portals.
  # World switches can cause some issues depending on the version, cause this it can
  # be disabled from here.
  # The minimum price is used to define the lowest price a horse on sale can have.
  # The bar length is the amount of | that are shown on the bars used to show the health,
  # speed and jump levels of a horse.
  # The walk mode for max jump is used to define from which walk mode a horse has its full
  # jump power. This means that, if GALLOP is the mode where horses goes at full speed, the horse
  # would have its full jump power since TROT, that is a half of the horse's speed.
  # The max level is used to prevent horses from getting more level.
  Horses-can-switch-world: true
  Minimum-price: 100.0
  Despawn-after-inactivity-in-minutes: 0
  Bar-length: 20
  Walk-mode-for-max-jump: TROT
  Max-level: 100
  # Stats are used to define a range of values that are valid. This values are used
  # to check a horse's stats, and roll them in case their stats are out of this ranges.
  # Useful to prevent errors on horses' creation, as sometimes, if something fails, they
  # can get weird stats.
    Minimum-health: 15.0
    Maximum-health: 30.0
    Minimum-speed: 5.0
    Maximum-speed: 11.0
    Minimum-jump: 1.0
    Maximum-jump: 4.0
  #---{Food system}
  # The food system is used to add the same food bar used on players, but on horses.
  # This adds some needings on horses to take the most care possible of them. This works
  # on the same way as players' food bar, where moving and doing actions consume this
  # food level. The max amount of food is 1, meaning that this values are working on %.
  # So, 0.001 is the same as tell the plugin to remove a 0.1% of the food level per jump done.
    Enable: false
    Food-consum-per-block: 3.0E-4
    Food-consum-per-jump: 0.001
    Food-recovery-per-food: 0.25
  # Here you can configure the way the plugin will treat the entities. MMOHorses replaces
  # the entities by a custom one, meaning that removing the plugin can remove the entities
  # depending on the version.
  # You can tell the plugin to replace the vanilla entities with the custom ones, meaning
  # that it doesn't require from parsings to create the custom horses, it's done at the same
  # creation, but then you can't use the Ignore worlds for replace feature, as the parsing can't
  # be prevented.
  # You can decide which entities are replaced or which ones not. Remember that the plugin works
  # using this custom entities, if they aren't replaced by this ones, the plugin will not
  # treat them as claimable entities.
  # You can define on which worlds entities aren't replaced. This just works without replacing
  # the default entities, and will prevent the automatic replacement on the new summoned ones.
  # In case you have a plugin that spawns custom horse-like entities or ones that defines custom
  # data on them, this can be useful.
    Replace-default-entities: false
      Horse: true
      Skeleton-horse: true
      Zombie-horse: true
      Donkey: true
      Mule: true
      Llama: true
      Trader-llama: true
    - WorldToIgnore
  # Here you can define which items are dropped once a horse dies or is released. The splitted
  # settings allows you to drop upgrades but not the wardrobe and the inventory, or everything
  # depending on which kind of server you're creating.
    Drop-upgrades-on-death: true
    Drop-upgrades-on-release: true
    Drop-wardrobe-on-death: true
    Drop-wardrobe-on-release: true
    Drop-inventory-on-death: true
    Drop-inventory-on-release: true

# Still under development, this section allows you to customize the way
# horses grow up.

  Custom-grow-up-system: false
  Time-for-grow-up: 1

# Here you can edit the player settings. You can allow players to claim
# automatically once horses are tamed, and also specify the default names
# they'll get, or in case a player doesn't specify a name. Also, you
# can specify a teleport cooldown, and which horses from the Custom.yml
# file will be given on their first join.

  Claim-on-taming: false
  - Buddy
  - Lilly
  - Alexia
  - Scout
  - Daisy
  - Bella
  - Flash
  - Tara
  Teleport-cooldown: 20
  - Name_of_custom_horse

# Here you'll be able to edit the plugin settings. Actually you can
# just set the amount of minutes the plugin will autosave the horse's
# information (Their locations).

  Autosave-cooldown: 2

# Allowing downgrades allows users to remove an upgrade and keep it,
# replacing it with a better or worst one. In case it's disable, players
# will only be able to upgrade, replacing the actual one with another one
# with better values, removing the actual one completly. You can also
# make upgrades get dropped in case the horse dies or is released.

  Allow-downgrade: true

# Here you can edit if the respawn system is enabled, making players
# wait for a horse respawn to use it again in case it dies. Also you
# can configure the amount of seconds it takes to be used again.

  Enable-respawn: false
  Respawn-cooldown: 60

# Here you'll be able to edit the information of all the commands,
# allowing you to set custom names to them, and also for the
# subcommands. Basically, the same information used to create this
# commands internally, can be edited here.

    Name: Horse
    Description: Get all MMOHorses commands
        Name: additem
        Permission: Horse.Admin.AddItem
        Description: Add a new MMOHorses' item
        Usage: /Horse additem [item name]
        - ai
        Name: buy
        Permission: Horse.Player.Buy
        Description: Open the shop with all the horses on sell
        Usage: /Horse buy
        - b
        Name: claim
        Permission: Horse.Player.Claim
        Description: Claim a horse
        Usage: /Horse claim [name]
        - c
        Name: clear
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Clear
        Description: Clear the actual database
        Usage: /Horse clear [horses/items/all] <confirm>
        - cl
        Name: createnpc
        Permission: Horse.Admin.CreateNPC
        Description: Create a new NPC
        Usage: /Horse createnpc [name] [disguise name] [action]
        - cn
        Name: deletenpc
        Permission: Horse.Admin.DeleteNPC
        Description: Delete an existent NPC
        Usage: /Horse deletenpc [uuid]
        - dn
        Name: delete
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Delete
        Description: Delete the horse permanently
        Usage: /Horse delete
        - d
        Name: geld
        Permission: Horse.Player.Geld
        Description: Geld your horse
        Usage: /Horse geld
        - g
        Name: getitem
        Permission: Horse.Admin.GetItem
        Description: Get or give a MMOHorses' item without crafting it
        Usage: /Horse getitem [item name] <Player>
        - gi
        Name: gift
        Permission: Horse.Player.Gift
        Description: Gift the riden horse to a player
        Usage: /Horse gift [username]
        - gf
        Name: give
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Give
        Description: Summon a custom entity (And give it to a player)
        Usage: /Horse give [custom horse id] <Player> <true/false>
        - gv
        Name: heal
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Heal
        Description: Heal the current riden horse
        Usage: /Horse heal
        - hl
        Name: help
        Permission: ''
        Description: Get all the commands
        Usage: /Horse help <page>
        - h
        Name: info
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Info
        Description: Get information about the plugin
        Usage: /Horse info
        - i
        Name: listall
        Permission: Horse.Admin.ListAll
        Description: List all the horses even if are linked or aren't yours
        Usage: /Horse listall
        - la
        Name: list
        Permission: Horse.Player.List
        Description: Open a menu with all your claimed horses
        Usage: /Horse list <player>
        - l
        Name: lunge
        Permission: Horse.Player.Lunge
        Description: Start or stop the lunge event on all the leashed horses.
        Usage: /Horse lunge
        - ln
        Name: recipes
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Recipes
        Description: Check all the recipes and manage them
        Usage: /Horse recipes
        - rc
        Name: release
        Permission: Horse.Player.Release
        Description: Release your horse
        Usage: /Horse release
        - r
        Name: reload
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Reload
        Description: Reload the plugin configurations
        Usage: /Horse reload
        - rl
        Name: rename
        Permission: Horse.Player.Rename
        Description: Rename your horse
        Usage: /Horse rename [name]
        - rn
        Name: sell
        Permission: Horse.Player.Sell
        Description: Set a price to the rided horse
        Usage: /Horse sell [price]
        - s
        Name: setcolor
        Permission: Horse.Admin.SetColor
        Description: Change horse's color
        Usage: /Horse setcolor [color]
        - sc
        Name: setgender
        Permission: Horse.Admin.SetGender
        Description: Change horse's gender
        Usage: /Horse setgender [gender]
        - sg
        Name: sethealth
        Permission: Horse.Admin.SetHealth
        Description: Set the amount of health the horse will have
        Usage: /Horse sethealth [x.xx]
        - sh
        Name: setjump
        Permission: Horse.Admin.SetJump
        Description: Set the amount of blocks the horse will jump
        Usage: /Horse setjump [x.xx]
        - sj
        Name: setmarking
        Permission: Horse.Admin.SetMarking
        Description: Change horse's marking
        Usage: /Horse setmarking [marking]
        - sm
        Name: setowner
        Permission: Horse.Admin.SetOwner
        Description: Change horse's owner
        Usage: /Horse setowner [username]
        - so
        Name: setspeed
        Permission: Horse.Admin.SetSpeed
        Description: Set the blocks per second of the horse
        Usage: /Horse setspeed [x.xx]
        - ss
        Name: trust
        Permission: Horse.Player.Trust
        Description: Add a player as trusted on the rided horse
        Usage: /Horse trust [username]
        - t
        Name: untrust
        Permission: Horse.Player.Untrust
        Description: Remove a player as trusted on the rided horse
        Usage: /Horse untrust [username]
        - ut
        Name: unlink
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Unlink
        Description: Unlink all the horses
        Usage: /Horse unlink <confirm>
        - ul
        Name: unsummon
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Unsummon
        Description: Unsummon all the horses
        Usage: /Horse unsummon <confirm>
        - us
        Name: HorseLands
        Permission: Horse.Admin.Lands
        Description: Get all MMOHorses commands for Lands hook
        Usage: /Horse lands [command/help]
            Name: setrestriction
            Permission: HorseLands.Admin.SetRestriction
            Description: Set a speed restriction (No walk mode = Remove restriction)
            Usage: /HorseLands setrestriction [region type] <walk mode>
            - sr
            Name: help
            Permission: ''
            Description: Get all the commands for the Lands hook
            Usage: /HorseLands help <page>
            - h
        - hl
    - h
    Permission: ''
    Usage: /Horse [command/help]

Last updated