Custom horses

All about the Custom.yml file

Advice: Some of you are using the old configuration were upgrades and saddles were using different values. Check this page to parse your configuration to the new system.

The Custom.yml file is a file that allows you to create predefined horses that can be used on the /Horse give command (And, on a incoming version, on crates) to give horses to a user with items and stats. Every horse starts using a name as it's name and it's configuration path, followed by its fields:

#Default predefined horse generated by the plugin when the file is created.
Example: #Name used on the plugin to refer to the predefined horse.
  Name: Example horse #Name of the entity.
  Type: HORSE #Entity type. Must be one of the followings: HORSE, SKELETONHORSE, ZOMBIEHORSE, DONKEY, MULE, LLAMA, TRADERLLAMA.
  Color: BROWN #Color of a horse. Not effective if it's not a horse. Must be one of the followings: WHITE, BLACK, BROWN, DARKBAY, PALOMINO, CHESTNUT, GRAY.
  Marking: PINTO #Marking of a horse. Not effective if it's not a horse. Must be one of the followings: SOCKS, PINTO, ROAN, BALDFACE, NONE.
  Jump: 3 #Jump of the horse in blocks.
  Speed: 10 #Speed of the horse in blocks.
  Health: 30 #Health of the horse in half-hearts.
  #The following fields must contain the given name of the item.
  #This name can be found when editing the item, on the title of the inventory,
  #or using the /Horse GetItem command using a wrong name.
  Saddle: SADDLE
  Jump_upgrade: JUMP_UPGRADE_2
  Speed_upgrade: SPEED_UPGRADE_2
  Health_upgrade: HEALTH_UPGRADE_2
  Chest_upgrade: CHEST_UPGRADE_2

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