All about the commands of MMOHorses
Actually MMOHorses contains two kind of commands.
This command contains a variety of commands:
/Horse help: Used to get the command list. This command will only show the commands which you have permission. The other commands will not be shown, including the ones that requires a dependency that was not found (/Horse buy and /Horse sell commands).
/Horse additem [Item name] (Horse.Admin.AddItem): Command used to add your current item in hand as a new MMOHorses' item.
/Horse buy (Horse.Player.Buy) [Dependency: Vault]: Command used to open the buy menu. Here you'll be able to buy horses from other players (And soon, crates with custom horses). If Vault is missing, this command will not be shown.
/Horse claim [name] (Horse.Player.Claim): Command used to claim horses while riding them. Horses must be tamed before using this command. If the name is not specified, the plugin will use a random name from the predefined name list on the configuration.
/Horse delete (Horse.Admin.Delete): Used to delete the riden horse. Horses can't be removed using other plugins, just can be killed by damaging them (If it's not disabled), or using commands like this one to remove them (Acting from the inside of the entity). If a horse is a claimed horse, it'll be removed from the player list.
/Horse geld (Horse.Player.Geld): Used to geld horses. Geld horses can't be breed with other entities, allowing players to prevent other players from breeding them to get similar horses. Once the horse becomes a gelding, it will gain +0.5 of permanent jump.
/Horse getitem [Item name] <Player> (Horse.Admin.GetItem): This command allows you to get the specified item with the given name. The name is the one used to register the item on the database (Can be found on the title on the edition menu of this item). You can specify the name of the player you want to give this item instead of giving it to yourself.
/Horse gift [username] (Horse.Player.Gift): Allows you to give the current riden horse to another player. This controls also the amount of horses of this players, not allowing to give this horse to another player if he already exceeds the maximum of horses allowed to claim.
/Horse give [Custom horse id] <Player> <true/false> (Horse.Admin.Give): Give a prefedined horse to a player. This predefined horses are configured on the Custom.yml file. The ID is the name used to open the section for this horse on the file. If the name is invalid, the plugin will show you all the current predefined horses. Specifying the player it'll be registered on his owned horses. Setting true or false allows you to define if the horse will be spawned on the player location or not. This last parameter is useful when selling horses with other plugins or selling them on premium stores like Enjin (Actually this doesn't works with offline players).
/Horse heal (Horse.Admin.Heal): Heals the current riden horse to its maximum health.
/Horse info (Horse.Admin.Info): Used to show information about the plugin. Useful to make sure you're using the correct version of the plugin.
/Horse listall (Horse.Admin.ListAll): Used to list all the horses that are registered on MMOHorses. This command, instead of getting the horses listed on the server, gets all the horses listed on the database. With this command, admins can managed all the horses of the players, remove them, telport them, teleport to them, or modify their items and settings.
/Horse list (Horse.Player.List): Used to list all your horses. This command is used to manage your own horses, teleport to them, teleport them to you, or unsummon them.
/Horse recipes (Horse.Admin.Recipes): Opens an inventory that contains all the items that are used on MMOHorses. This inventory allows you to select an item and modify its result and its crafting recipe to customize it completely.
/Horse release (Horse.Player.Release): Used to release the current riden horse. Useful for players whne they found a new horse and they have exceeded the maximum of claims allowed for their rank.
/Horse reload (Horse.Admin.Reload): Used to reload the memory data of MMOHorses. This will allow you to update the Config.yml settings, the Lang.yml messages and the Custom.yml prefedined horses.
/Horse rename [name] (Horse.Player.Rename): Used to rename the current riden horse.
/Horse sell [price] (Horse.Player.Sell) [Dependency: Vault]: Allows you to set a price for the current riden horse. This horses will be shown up on the /Horse buy inventory. To remove the price of a horse, just use the same command setting the price as 0.
/Horse setcolor [color] (Horse.Admin.SetColor): Allows you to set a color to a riden horse. This only works with normal horses. If you don't know the name that has to be used for the command, setting a wrong color will show up the allowed colors.
/Horse setgender [gender] (Horse.Admin.SetGender): Allows you to set the gender of the riden horse. This automatically manages if the horse was a gelding or another gender, removing or adding the jump bonus given by the /Horse geld command.
/Horse sethealth [x.xx] (Horse.Admin.SetHealth): Sets the max amount of health for the riden horse.
/Horse setjump [x.xx] (Horse.Admin.SetJump): Sets the jump amount in blocks of the riden horse.
/Horse setmarking [marking] (Horse.Admin.SetMarking): Works on the same way as the /Horse setcolor command. Sets the type of marking (Or style called in MineCraft) that a horse will have. This is another private command for horses.
/Horse setowner [username] (Horse.Admin.SetOwner): This command allows you to change the owner of a horse. It only works using online players and claimed horses.
/Horse setspeed [x.xx] (Horse.Admin.SetSpeed): Sets the speed amount in blocks of the riden horse.
/Horse trust [username] (Horse.Player.Trust): Allows you to trust a player on the current riden horse. Trusting them allows them to use the horse, but it doesn't allow them to edit their items. Works with online players (Using the GUI version allows you to use offline players if the inventory was opened before they left).
/Horse untrust [username] (Horse.Player.Untrust): Allows you to untrust a player on the current riden horse. Untrusting them will remove their privileges to ride the horses. Works with online players (Using the GUI version allows you to remove offline players).
This command contains a few commands:
/HorseLands help: Used to get the command list. Works in the same way as the /Horse help command. If Lands is not loaded, this command will just show itself.
/HorseLands setrestriction [Region type] <Walk mode> (HorseLands.Admin.SetRestriction): This allows you to set a speed restriction on a land or an area. With this, you can limit the speed of a horse that is entering a region to a half or less. It's applied on the region you're standing on, and you'll have to specify if set it on the land or on the area. As other commands, typing a bad option for every parameter will show the available parameters. Not setting the walk mode on the command will remove the restriction on the land or area you're standing on.
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