The Crates.yml file allows you to create crates that you can use on the /Horse buy command (Enabling the crates menu on the Config.yml file) to make players buy a crate and get a random horse. This random horses can be defined on the crate and their chances. Here you'll find how this crates are configured.
#Default predefined crate generated by the plugin when the file is created.
Example: #Name used on the plugin to refer to the predefined crate.
Name: Example crate #Name of the crate. & can be used to add colors.
Lore: #Lore of the crate. In case there's no lore, it'll be assigned a default one.
- '&eYou can win:'
- '&8- &7Mysterious horse'
- '&8- &7What will it be?'
Price: 200.0 #Price of the crate.
Horses: #Horses section.
Horse1: #Name of the horse on the crate as identification. Nothing to do with the predefined horses.
Description: Mysterious horse #Name that will appear on the list.
Custom-horse: Example #Identification of the predefined horse to be used.
Chance: 1
#Chance of the horse. This can be any number.
#The chance of this horse will be this name devided by the sum of all
#the defined horses' chances. Ex. 1, including a horse with chance 4,
#means that this horse will have a chance of 1/(1+4)
Description: What will it be?
Custom-horse: Example
Chance: 4