All about cosmetics
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All about cosmetics
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Cosmetics doesn't have the same purpose as upgrade, or, at least, if you don't configure it like that. Cosmetics are used to be over the upgrades on its visual part. Horses when they are equipped with armors and saddles are equipped with this same upgrades, but cosmetics can be used to replace this items visually. As result, you can have a diamond horse armor on the upgrades, but an iron armor on the cosmetic slot, and this will be the armor that will be shown. There are three slots: The cosmetic saddle slot, the cosmetic armor/carpet slot and the accessory slot. You only have to click with an item over the horse inventory and it'll be equipped automatically, like the Upgrades inventory. Depending on the entity, saddles will go on their slots, but carpets and armors will be equipped depending on which entity you're riding. Accessories doesn't have any functionality yet, it's just like a 1-slot storage.
You can allow this cosmetics to have same functionalities as upgrades, like cosmetic saddles can allow players to ride horses (Without a saddle upgrade, their walk modes are set on HALT) or horse armors can give armor points (Their armor points are removed when equipped, leaving this job to the armor upgrades). In case you want them to be functionals (Cosmetic saddles allows you to ride and horse armors gives armor points in addition of the armor upgrades), you just have to go to the Config.yml file and enable the setting Make-cosmetics-functional
. Enabling it, will make this cosmetics functional, and you'll be able to disable some MMOHorses features, like upgrades, to have a vanilla-style system.
In case you want this cosmetics just to be a few of items, you have to enable the Only-registered-cosmetics
setting. This setting allows you to only allow items that are added on the plugin and configured as cosmetics. This is useful for this servers that have custom items that acts like cosmetics, and you only want to allow players to equip this kind of items instead of vanilla items.